I’m Brian McAleer,
CEO of Gent Life. 


I wasn’t always a confident corporate employee or well-dressed business developer. I was a scared kid searching for a sense of belonging and significance growing up just outside of New York City.  Never the best grades, garb or grit. Nor did I have solid control of my emotions and mind. Sound familiar? Being picked on physically, verbally with occasional family tension through early adolescence seems like a prerequisite to real life, right?

Yet somehow, I earned a degree from Cornell University, competed as a world-wide hockey player and climbed the corporate ladder at one of entertainments biggest brands, iHeartRadio. The experiences (or should I say experiments) I’ve had along the way have transcended the value of any Ivy League degree one could achieve.

How to fit in and more importantly, how to stand out, became clear with time, observation and strong advice from an evolving network of personal & career relationships. Learning about the sacrifice of past generations, the cultural movement of baby boomer parents (and the music they branded on my brain) was followed by teamwork with elite athletes competing on the world stage. Then, moving to 6 different cities in pursuit of corporate excellence while finding love and marriage with Yadia has equipped me with skills I never imagined, keeping me balanced. What skills? We’ve broken them up into 4 pillars.

The Four Pillars of Gent Life

  • GentsGuide

    How to determine a good friend from a good time

    Getting into a peak mental/physical state while fighting my own limits

    Constructing a compelling argument

    Acquiring assets & growing a portfolio

    Communicating a brand to mass audience

    What love & commitment REALLY are and require

  • GentsGo

    Growing status & know-how with airlines/hotels

    What to order when asked to dinner/drinks with executives or a date

    Seeing the world / understanding culture

  • GentsGive

    “The secret to living is giving” – Tony Robbins

    Sharing your knowledge, love and compassion with people who need it most

  • GentsGarb

    Dressing for a date, BBQ, holiday party, wedding or business summit

 It’s now become my purpose to share these secrets of living life with love, passion, and intention.

So… let’s chat! - Brian